What is Pelvic Health Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists trained within this specialist area have the ability to assess and treat a number of issues surrounding and inside the pelvic region. This may include exercises, education and pelvic floor muscle training. Pelvic health is relevant to individuals of all ages, sizes and gender.

Bladder dysfunction

Bladder issues are estimated to affect approximately 50% of women at some point during their lives. Symptoms may include; leakage during exercise, coughing or laughing (to name just a few), others may experience urgency and leakage whilst trying to reach the bathroom. Whilst these symptoms are common and often dismissed as ‘part of aging’ they don’t have to be normal! Bladder issues are not exclusive to females, a number of men will also experience bladder symptoms during their lifetime. Men who have enlarged prostates and those who have undergone surgical procedures in this region have a higher risk of urine leakage or retention.

Bowel dysfunction and gut health

Did you know that if you regularly strain to pass motions you could be increasing the risk of a prolapse developing? 1 in 7 of us lives with constipation. Defecation issues can occur due to multiple reasons, this may include; neurological injury, bowel surgeries or trauma to name just a few. Constipation, bowel incontinence and difficulties in emptying the bowel are symptoms which Pelvic Health Physiotherapists can help with.

Pelvic organ prolapse

Weakening of the vaginal walls or rectum - in some cases, can result in heaviness within the pelvic region, pain and bladder or bowel dysfunction. Pelvic floor muscle training is advised as the first line management for prolapse as per NICE guidance (2019). Successful Physiotherapy management of prolapse symptoms can avoid the need for surgical intervention in some individuals. Understanding how to look after our pelvic region earlier in life can reduce the risk of prolapse. Particularly women of child-bearing age who are either currently pregnant, planning pregnancy or post-natal.

Post-partum pelvic health

You may have seen the recent hype within the celebrity world surrounding pelvic health and post-natal ‘MOT’s. This is not reserved for the rich and famous! And as Pelvic Health Physiotherapists we believe every female should have the ability to strength and condition their pelvic floor health.

To find out more or to book an appointment with Bethany (our pelvic health physiotherapist) please contact us on (01226) 730249

Our Physiotherapists in Barnsley

Bethany Bisby


Bethany started her career as an assistant Physiotherapist in 2013 at Barnsley Hospital, she later qualified with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree at York St John University.

After which, she spent a short amount of time at Huddersfield Royal infirmary before returning to Barnsley Hospital and completing a range of rotations prior to specialising in Pelvic Health and Maternity related musculoskeletal services.

Bethany is a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and she is also an affiliate member of the Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Pelvic Physiotherapy. In 2024 Bethany also completed the Lucy Allen ‘An introduction to functional bowel disorders’ course in London, allowing her to enhance her clinical knowledge and assessment of bowel dysfunction.

Bethany currently works in secondary care as a specialist Pelvic health Physiotherapist, her caseload largely consists of bladder dysfunction (stress urinary leakage and urgency/over active bladder), vaginal prolapse and bowel dysfunction (constipation, bowel emptying dysfunction and urgency), amongst other common pelvic conditions and presentations. Along-side symptomatic conditions, Bethany also has experience in peri-natal therapy, including pelvic floor health, from both a coaching and treatment perspective.

Bethany has experience of working with individuals of all ages, from many backgrounds, she ensures that assessments and treatments are tailored to individuals and their long-term goals.

Outside of her working life Bethany enjoys socialising with family and friends and caring for her two dogs.

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Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 1pm - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm
Other hours Ad hoc

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Western House in Barnsley     Our Location

Barnsley, UK

Western House Consulting Rooms is located in the heart of Barnsley close to the new Old Mill Lane college campus